Questions & Answers

Here are the most frequently asked questions in the past month. Enjoy! Also remeber to e-mail me some ideas on things I could add to the website. Any idea is a GREAT idea.


So you are interested in your guy best friend, but you don't know exactly what to do...

Tell him that you like him. Most of the time the guy is completely clueless. Because you are such good friends he doesn't think that you want anything more. As soon as he knows how you feel, he will reveal how he really feels. Sometimes he might not like you the way you do, but at least you told him. Remember to tell him that you don't ever want to lose his friendship and you never want to let your feelings get in between the two of you.

You just started dating the guy you've liked for a really long time, but you didn't realize how little you know about each other...

Talk about what he likes. You don't always have to talk about things that have happened throughout that day. You were both at school so you know what happened. Mention a few things that you enjoy doing with your friends and what you like doing when you're alone and then ask him what he's interested. Soon you will know a lot more about each other and have so many more things to talk about!